Welcome Teaching Assistants!
The Teaching Assistant Fellows at USC Center for Excellence in Teaching welcome you!
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As a TA you are an invaluable asset!
This repository of information and resources has been created to help you evolve professionally; inside and outside the classroom. We hope you find it useful in developing your craft and that it benefits your professors and students as well.
To the left are links to categories related to many the aspects of teaching.
Below you can browse pages related to more specific topics.
Welcome Teaching Assistants!
(Rating: 5, Comments: 0)
Simplified How-To Guide
(Rating: 2, Comments: 0)
Academic Dishonesty
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Active Learning Strategies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Activity Driven Labs
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Additional Helpful Links
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Additional Links On Academic Dishonesty
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
A Few Tips Every TA Should Know
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Arguments Of Karl Marx
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Articulate The Principles Of And Purpose For Good Assessment
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
A Safe Learning Environment
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Assignments Quizzes Etc
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Be Able To Effectively Manage Class Time
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Be Able To Elicit Discussion
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Be Able To Identify Obstacles To Motivation And Learn To Address Those Obstacles
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Be Able To Illustrate Points Clearly
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Be Aware Of Teaching Roles and Teaching Styles
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Be Fair, Objective And Prompt
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Be Fair, Objective And Prompt
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Beginning A Lab Section
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Best Practices
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Bipolar Disorder
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Bringing Closure To The Lab
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Check For Understanding
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Classify and Respond to Diverse Student Needs
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Classroom Teaching Roles
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Communicating About Grades
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Communicating Effectively With Your Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Conducting a Laboratory Session
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Connect Discussion To Lecture
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Constructing Assessments
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Create and Maintain a Safe Learning Environment
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Creating An Excel Gradebook
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Dealing with Conflicts
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Delineate Appropriate Boundaries Between TAs And Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Design Assignments
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Each One Teach One
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Eating Disorders
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Efforts and Attention: Yes, there's a way to evaluate this too!
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Enforcing Missed Exam Late Work Policies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Evaluate Students Relative To Learning Goals
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Evaluate Students Work Relative To Learning Goals And A
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Evidence Of Cheating At USC
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Examples Of Tcp
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Examples Of Tec
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Examples Of Technologies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Exercise Flexibility With Enforcing Your Missed Exam Late Work Policies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Experiment Driven Labs
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Finding Material
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
For Teaching Assistants in Arts
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Forum Categories
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Forum Category
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Forum Thread
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Fundamental Theories
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Fundamental Theories Of Education
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Get Organized Before Discussion
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Grading Exams And Assignments
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Grading Exams And Assignments
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Grading Group Work
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Grading Methods
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Grading On The Curve Vs Grading Against A Preset Standard
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Grading Participation
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Grading Principles And Policies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Grading Principles And Policies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Group Work
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Group Work- Jury Selection
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Handling Diverse Student Personalities
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Handling Student Personalities And Behaviors
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Handling Student Personalities And Behaviors
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Handling Student Personalities And Behaviors Ii
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
How Do I Deal With
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
How Technology Creates A Better Learning Environment
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
How to Communicate Effectively With Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
How To Edit Pages - Quickstart
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
How to Get the Contact Information for the Instructor
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
How To Get The Most Out Of Technology
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
How to Motivate Different Types of Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Ideas, Ideas, Ideas
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Identify Dishonest Student Work And Respond Appropriately
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Identifying Student Personalities
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Implement Fair Grading Practices In A Multi Ta Setting
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Interacting With Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Join This Site
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Journaling Reflection
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Jury Selection/Voir Dire Process
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Keeping Students Engaged
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Keeping Track Of Time
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Keep Students Involved
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Know How University Policies Shape Your Responsibilities
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Know Your Audience
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Late Work Or Missing Exams
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Late Work Or Missing Exams
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Leading A Discussion Session
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Lead TA Responsibilities
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Learning Differences And Disabilities
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Learning Styles
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Lesson 2: Rewards
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Limits And Hazards Of Technology
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
List All Pages
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Make The Most Of Your Time
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Making The Lab Relevant To The Lecture Material
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Making The Mistake Of Mis-identification
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Manage Site
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Managing Responsibilities
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Midterm and Final Reviews
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Motivate And Inspire Your Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Motivational Techniques
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
New Forum Thread
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Objective 1
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Organization And Preparation
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Others Responsibilities
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Page Tags
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Pairwork Or Pair-Share
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Plan for Short- and Long-Term Rewards of TA-ing
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Plan For Short And Long Term Rewards Of Ta Ing
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Plan For Sort And Long Term Rewards Of Ta Ing
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Policies Regarding Late Work
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Policies Regarding Missing Exams
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Potential Problems
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Preventing And Addressing Problems
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Problems With Equipment And Materials
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Proctoring Exams
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Project Driven Labs
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Quick Hints On Teaching Roles
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Quiz-games, Word search and Crosswords
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Recent Changes
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Recent Forum Posts
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Recent Threads
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Recording And Calculating Grades
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Recording And Calculating Grades
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Recording Calculating Grades
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Returning Graded Material
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Role Of The Instructor And The TA
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Role Playing
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Roles, Responsibilities, and Rewards of TA-ing
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Running A Weekly Discussion Section
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Running A Weekly Lab Section
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Safety Procedures
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 1: Don't worry! You can handle this.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 1: Don't worry! You can handle this.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 1: You make yourself a hot cup of tea.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 2: Past Sins
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 2: While you are waiting for emergency vehicles to clear the road, you sit and watch the driver next to you.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 2: You are optimistic that emergency vehicles will appear soon and clear the highway.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 3: Did my professor just go AWOL?
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 3: On your way to the building, you stop at the library.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 3: Stop running!
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 4: You think, “Everyone is in the wrong room but me”!
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 4: You wonder how this can happen on the first day of the class.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 5: You locate the nearest phone.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 5: You look at the beautiful day around you.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 6: You are seconds from going into complete panic mode.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 6: You have NO idea what the answer could be.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 7: You embrace the adventurous side of being a TA.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Scenario 7: You sit back and smile to yourself.
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Search the site
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Site Management
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Site Members
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Software And Goodies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Standardizing Your Grading
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Standardizing Your Grading
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Strategies To Get To Know Your Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Strategies To Get To Know Your Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Student Diversity
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Student Emergencies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Student Investment
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Student Mental Health
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Student Privacy: Ferpa
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Students Coping With Mental Health Issues
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Supporting the Professor's Lecture
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Page tags
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
TA Investment
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Ta Responsibility Questionnaire
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Teaching Roles Videos
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Teaching Strategies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Teaching With Technology
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Technology at USC and Elsewhere
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Technology Quick Start
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
The Appropriate Level of Your Students
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
The First Day And Before
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
The Usc Honor Code And Its Meaning
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Thought Mapping
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Tips For Preventing Academic Dishonesty
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
To-Do Lists
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Top Bar Menu
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Understand and Plan for Your Assistantship Role
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
University, Departmental And Course Policies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Uscta Anchor Template
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Uscta Page Template
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Utilize Active Learning Strategies
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Video Clip Examples
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
What Are The Possible Sanctions And Consequences Of Academic Dishonesty
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
What Are University Policies And Resources Regarding Academic Dishonesty
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
What Constitutes Academic Dishonesty
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
What is a Wiki Site?
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
What To Do In A Case Of Emergency
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
What You Don't Want To Find Yourself Doing
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
When Attention Wanders
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Why Are YOU There
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Working with Different Students Issues
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Working With Professors Expectations
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Worst Case Scenarios
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Your Responsibilities
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Your Role as a Teaching Assistant
(Rating: 0, Comments: 0)